Friday, November 21, 2008

This is how I dance when I'm doing the dishes.


Andrea said...

The main question though is are you wearing your black leotard? This is my new favorite song and I'll think of you every time I hear it :)

FOUST said...


The Hunt's said...

wierd, that's exactly how wade dances too! his outfit is very similar too actually, just a bit more bikini style.

jacksonfamiliatwins said...

Please tell me you saw the SNL skit on this dance last week! So funny~ Have you seen the guy on youtube that does this dance in his leotard? It's been compared side by side to Beyonce's.
You are hilarious. Miss you guys!

Shannan said...

i love that i have a new beyonce song to imagine you dancing to.

Kelly said...

I tried this dance tonight. Worked out well. I did not have a leotard so I just wore my bathing suit instead.